???? 5 DIY Organizing Ideas for Rooftop Garden ????

???? 5 DIY Organizing Ideas for Rooftop Garden ????

More detail related to our Rooftoop garden organizing video: 1.Pallet Orangery. Everyone probably has one or two unused pallets just sitting in the back of the shed waiting to be put for organizational use. 2.Square Planter for Edible Green Roof You can grow your vegetables on top of your shed or apartment building. First off, make sure that your rooftop can support walking and planters. 3.Stunning CD Case Greenhouse Make your rooftop garden ten times more spectacular by having a small greenhouse made out of a CD case. 4.Planter Ladder Mark places of on scraps of planks where you will make shelves out of them about 200mm between the shelves 5.Floating Succulent Terracotta Pots. If your rooftop has a chimney, you can use the wall to hang your terracotta pots. Link and source related to this video is here: http://www.simphome.com/2018/02/diy-organizing-rooftop-garden.html ----------- Previous video 5 Cheap DIY Hanging Shelving Ideas for Small Bedroom https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCj4MLosHJQ 5 Cheap and Clever DIY Organization Ideas Using Wood Crate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkVb05IYI7k 6 IKEA Cubby, Shelf, and Dresser Makeover Ideas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4jMVEUAVbo 6 DIY IKEA Organization and Makeover Ideas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-DXZQktg3w Next: 5 Creative Storage Ideas From Tin Can https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vda8DKKnekE 5 Simple DIY Wood Project Ideas for More Organized Bedroom https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_hAzfLf-58 5 Clever Pallet Wood Upcycling Ideas for Room Décor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YDLMAVCP-Q 5 Clever Space-Saving Vertical Organizer Ideas for Small Bedroom https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ie56wKc-ak8



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