29 Insanely Creative DIY Planter Ideas to Showcase Your Plants | garde

29 Insanely Creative DIY Planter Ideas to Showcase Your Plants | garden ideas

29 Insanely Creative DIY Planter Ideas to Showcase Your Plants | garden ideas Any container that can hold soil works as a planter box—but the more creative, the better! Remember that more porous materials such as terra cotta allow water to evaporate quickly, so you’ll need to water more frequently in hot, dry weather. Also, plants don’t like soggy roots; make sure there’s a way for excess water to drain, even if you need to drill a few holes in the container yourself. Finally, fill your box with a variety of plants that offer height, as well as plants that spill over for a more dramatic effect. Or plant all one kind of flower in a single color for maximum impact. #gardenideas #diygardenn#cheapgarden#DIYGarden #Gardenideas #gardendecor Music: https://www.bensound.com diy garden,garden easy,cheap garden,diy cheap garden,gardens,creative garden,garden hacks,garden decor,garden decoration ideas,100 cool deas,gardening,gardening ideas,diy garden ideas,vertical garden ideas with plastic bottles,vertical gardening systems,vertical garden design concept,vertical garden plants,vertical garden pots,vertical garden building,vertical garden ideas indoor,vertical garden frame,John Ideas,garden ideas,diy garden,balcony garden,ideas,Cheap,Easy,Everyone Can Do,Cheap and Easy DIY Garden Ideas,Cheap and Easy



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