amazing hand embroidery flower design made with easy flower stitches,

amazing hand embroidery flower design made with easy flower stitches, raised buttonhole stitch

Get My Hand Embroidery Drawings for Free Download: ==================================================== Title: amazing hand embroidery flower design made with easy flower stitches, raised buttonhole stitch @SMBordado Watch Now: *** In this project, I have used the following items: * Cotton Fabric (You can use Linen, Muslin or Osnaburg) * Needle (Regular size crewel embroidery needle) * DMC thread & Chinese Laccha Thread (You can use any other also) * Wooden hoop with a stand (stand is not mandatory) *** I have used the following stitches to complete this project: * Back Stitch * Blanket Stitch * Buttonhole Stitch * Bullion Knots * Diamond Eyelet Stitch * Checkered Stitch * Cross Stitch * Cluster Stitch * Fantasy Flower Stitch * Fly Stitch * French Knots * Fishbone Stitch * Lazy Daisy Stitch * Net Stitch * Rococo Stitch * Satin Stitch * Stem Stitch * Creative Leaf Stitches Follow on Instagram: Subscribe to Nakshi Kantha Design ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MY ALL VIDEOS: _________________________________________________________________ Music Credit: YouTube Audio Library Hand Embroidery Definition:



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