Beautiful Basket with Roses * hand embroidery

Beautiful Basket with Roses * hand embroidery

Hand Embroidery | Basket of flowers #malina_gm - top embroidery Embroidery: Basket with flowers Used seams: split, chain stitch For basket: DMC threads (melange) No. 111 (color from dark brown to yellow) or DMC (melange) No. 105 (color from brown to light beige) For embroidery leaves: Used stitches: Fly stitch DMC threads - any three shades of green or DMC threads (melange) No. 92 Small flowers - size 5 mm rococo stitch or buttonhole stitch 2 shades of bright blue, for the center - 2 shades of yellow. Rose Embroidery: Cast-on stitch Large roses are embroidered with a thread in 3 additions. Small in 2 additions. The number of loops and petals is the same. For roses, pick up 3 or 4 shades of pink. The center of the rose: (French knot, Rococo, Cast-on stitch for petals) is embroidered with the darkest or brightest shade. Also for roses, you can use the threads DMC № 48, 112, 4180 and 4170 Flowers Lilac - French knot - three shades of purple or thread DMC number 52. The thread in 3 addition. Bow embroidery: satin stitch. Thread in one addition Brandenburg Concerto No4-1 BWV1049 - Classical Whimsical by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( I can be found here: ✔️facebook . ✔️instagram ✔️Pinterest ✔️TikTok usermalina_gm



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