#withme Red Polka Dots-Flowers French Pedicure- How to Do Easy Toe Nai
#withme Red Polka Dots-Flowers French Pedicure- How to Do Easy Toe Nail Art for Beginners at Home
Hello my Lovelies
For most of my nail art tutorials I use DIY tools so that those who don't have nail art tools could also enjoy beautiful nails and make whatever design they like on their nails using simple DIY tools. In my nail art videos I use an eyeliner brush, toothpick, pencil, dried ball point pen and other house hold things for the details. Thank you so much for watching.
I hope you enjoyed this nail art design idea.
Support my work on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/rosepearlart
Matching Manicure: http://gestyy.com/w9hChg
Toe Nail Art Playlist: http://gestyy.com/wnOe2v
My Step by Step Pedicure Routine: http://destyy.com/w2k25Z
Grow Your Toenails Fast: http://gestyy.com/e0TwIs
How I Keep my Feet Soft and Toe Nails Healthy: https://youtu.be/0ZXR05rG6JQ
Correct way to Cut Toe Nails: https://youtu.be/4nmka43HEeA
Pedicure Playlist: http://destyy.com/w2k4kP
SUBSCRIBE here: http://gestyy.com/wnYo1F
I welcome all my new subscribers and I would love you all to help me promote my channel by sharing with your friends and family... I love reading your lovely comments and I really appreciate them.
Stay blessed you all and have a wonderful life :)
Affiliated link
20% Discount Affiliated link for ROSSI Nails: https://rossinails.com?sca_ref=114738.k1sM3oPXCh
20% Discount Affiliated Code for ROSSI Nails: ROSEPEARL
Nail Care and DIY Tips Playlist: http://gestyy.com/wnUUeZ
NAIL 101- Nail Hacks Playlist: http://gestyy.com/wnUIOd
****Important Nail Care Video To watch***
***DIY Nail Hardener/Nail Strengthener**** http://destyy.com/w2k3Qw
***My Magic Nail Growth Serum**** http://destyy.com/w2k3l6
*****How to grow your nails Fast- Garlic Method*** http://destyy.com/w2k3cc
***My Nail Care Routine and Tips to Grow long and Strong Nails*** http://destyy.com/w2k3vn
***My Weekly Nail Care Routine*** http://destyy.com/w2k3na
Follow me Instagram: @rosepearlart
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Beauty Big Bang : pearlart