4 WINTER NAIL ART Designs In Sparkly Blue, White & Silver / LifeWorldW

4 WINTER NAIL ART Designs In Sparkly Blue, White & Silver / LifeWorldWomen

4 Sparkly #Winter #Nailart That Perfect For #Christmas Too: In today's nail tutorial video I show you four blue, white and silver glitter nail designs for Winter. First apply base coat to protect your natural nails. Paint your nails for the designs: - the little nail is blue, - the ring nail has sparkly blue tip, - the middle nail is baby blue (I apply 2 coats), - the index nail has baby blue chevron French tip with 2 coats. The first design is a snowy fir tree nail art over the little nail - I use white nail polish and toothpick. The second design is a sparkly blue French manicure with white and silver glitter decoration - I also use toothpick. Over the middle nail I apply sparky blue polish and I paint silver glitter stripes next to it - I use striping brush for the third design. The fourth design is a baby blue chevron frozen French manicure with silver glitter - I use striping brush also. I finish the fir tree design and the dark blue French manicure with sparkly top coat. I apply regular top coat over the other two designs. Thanks for watching! :) Read more about details and products I use: Blog: https://lifeworldwomen.blogspot.com Feel free to ask me anything you'd like to know! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ildikonailart/ Facebook: https://facebook.com/lifeworldwomen Twitter: https://twitter.com/LWWEasyNailArt Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/ildikomohos/ Music by Kevin MacLeod /Siver Blue Light/ https://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/ Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution



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