Hand Embroidery Designs | Checkered flower stitch | Stitch and Flower-

Hand Embroidery Designs | Checkered flower stitch | Stitch and Flower-138

Hand Embroidery Designs | Checkered flower stitch | Stitch and Flower -138 https://youtu.be/xU0cY-TXnJg Store: http://handembstitch.blogspot.com/p/embroidery-store.html Embroidery was an art that most American girls used to learn as they grew up. Before reaching adulthood most of them could create some truly spectacular designs that could be put on clothing, tablecloths, pillows or draperies. Some men also learned how to embroider so that they could add it to the tailoring services that they provided. Today it seems that hand embroidery is a lost art that very few people know how to do. This is a shame because someone skilled in embroidery can really come up with some spectacular designs. If you'd like to learn how to do hand embroidering it is actually pretty simple in terms of technique. The skill comes in to play when designing pieces and figuring out how to blend the different threads properly. It commonly requires rather a lot of practice for the majority of folks to develop this skill. In order to get this practice, blank patches are a necessity. It's possible to create some fantastic designs with blank patches and if any mistakes are made, then it is possible to remove the threads without causing any damage to the patch. In relation to practicing with a piece of muslin cloth, the same unfortunately, can not be said. Your Design Beginners should begin with simple designs that only use a minimum number of different colored threads. Please Make Sure To draw your design on a piece of paper and color it with the same color that you will be using in threads. After you might have your design, you should cut it out and attach it to the blank patch using white glue. You now have a template you can follow to run your stitches through your patch. As you do more and more of the stitching, you will beginning of see the paper being covered up. You might be able to peel some of this paper away as you stitch but this will depend on how intricate your design is. Regardless, using this template method to discover helps you to conceptualize your embroidery designs. Hand Stitching Through Plastic Backing Most blank patches in today's times will have a plastic backing and it can be hard to find one that isn't going to. Sewing on to patches without this plastic backing is much quicker to do so buy as many as you can if you can find them. You may find that it's very tiring and sometimes it can be painful to sew on to patches that have the plastic backing. But just like any other skill, your body will eventually adapt and you won't even notice it anymore. If you take it slowly initially then it won't be long before you can sew comfortably for hours at a time. Sewing on to any medium is going to be simple after you have mastered embroidering by hand onto a plastic backed patch. If you need blank patches to get started, dealers like The Cheap Place are a good option. They give you pretty good prices and a variety of sizes and styles from which to choose. Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?Teaching-The-Skill-Of-Embroidery-With-Patches&id=6650532] Teaching The Skill Of Gymnopedie No 3 by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100785 Artist: http://incompetech.com/ FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/Creativestitches Twitter: https://twitter.com/flower_stitch Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/117507621859835144033/+StichandFlower Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/tuhin_designer/hand-work



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